mardi 19 février 2008

SA: construction of 4 300 MW hydropower project to start in next 18 to 24 months

By Christy van der Merwe, Engineering News, 18/02/2008

The Western Power Corridor Company (Westcor) has announced the launch of the Inga Three hydropower project, under the leadership of the African Union, and developed by Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, and South Africa.

The pre-feasibility study for the 4 300 MW baseload capacity station, was completed by the end of 2007, and it was expected that construction would start in about 18 months to 24 months.

Westcor has called for the expression of interest for the appointment of legal advisors, as well as planning for the recruitment of advisors, consultants and front line office operation staff to be involved in what would be the largest single power station in Africa.

The organisation was also calling for the expression of interest for the appointment of power system economic advisors, financial advisors, engineering consultants, environmental impact assessment contractors, risk management advisors, project managers and quantity surveyors, as well as full time employment, to be taken up in Gabarone in Botswana